SEE YOU FEB 15/16!
Vintage Snowmobile Racing at Priest Lake in North Idaho has evolved to be one of North Idaho’s largest winter family events. The event brings excitement to the Priest Lake community, resorts and businesses. Since the first races held in 2014, the event has grown immensely, to where it is now the second largest venue for Vintage Snowmobile Racing in the United States.
West Coast Ice Oval Championships to be held February 15th and 16th.
Most recently participation in the races have averaged above 300 entries for the event. Participants come from across the Northwest and Canada to compete in the races. All vintage snowmobiles that are 1985 or older are eligible to race. These are stock and modified classes available from 120 Kitty Cat class for children ages 4-10, junior classes for ages 11-16, women’s classes, amateur and advanced classes and even a Master’s class for those brave souls who are 55 and older.
The event is held on the west side of Priest Lake utilizing the USFS Airstrip on Highway 57 near Nordman, Idaho starting at 10:00 a.m. each race day. Entry to the races is free, we only ask for a donation to help to offset the cost of the organization of this event.
We really encourage everyone to come to enjoy this great family event.
There will be a variety of food and beverages available from different food trucks.This is a free event, with the PRIEST LAKE LIONS collecting donations at the parking lot. PCox